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Membership Information

“Everything I know, I learned from dogs.” 
― Nora Roberts, The Search 


Mid- Union Sled Haulers, Inc (MUSH) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of sled dog racing as a fun family activity. It is governed by its constitution and by-laws, and races are held in accordance with our published race rules. Memberships run from Fall meeting through Fall meeting of the following year.  Look for these meetings under "Other Events".   

Membership applications are accepted by our Membership Secretary Ann Nelson.  

View the Constitution and By-Laws and other forms HERE.

Membership Dues and Application

Membership renewal dues are $25.00 per year and are due by the end of the annual fall business meeting. 

This includes all dependent members of a family under the age of 18.

Dues for new memberships are always $25.00.

Membership includes a digital subscription to The Sled Hauler.


Click HERE for the On-Line Membership Form.

Find the  Printable Membership Application here. 

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